Another busy day. The floor guy was in finishing laying the MBR floor and beginning sanding. Bob and I went and bought a washer and dryer courtesy of his Mum - thanks Annie! We picked up a Frigidaire floor model reduced from $699 to $519 - nice EnergyStar front loader and the matching dryer. We'll get a further $40 back on the washer through EnergyStar/local electric co. CL&P. Also ran to the local recycling/trash center and our favorite paint store- Ray Roth's.
Bob and I took up the linoleum in the hallway to reveal more wood. The part right by the front door was damaged a while ago by a pipe burst so we will take that part up and lay a slate tile or something (Ed. - we laid more hardwood) on about 9 sq. ft. but now we have oak floors all the way from the living room across and up the stairs so it's looking a lot cleaner lined. We pulled all the nails out of the floor for Tom.
Last night while I was at work Bob demo'd the DIY fireplace mantel, surround and textured wood panelling to reveal some lovely 1950's grey blue wallpaper. Pulling off the panelling left some big nail holes in the plaster but really cleaned up the fireplace area. Bob just wanted to sheetrock over it but I wanted to give it a go stripping and spackling. The guy at Ray Roth's sold us a wallpaper perforator and a product called DIF - something to break down the glue.
So I scored and soaked and soaked and soaked and then the paper came off like slicing cheese - nice! While I did that Bob put in a programmable thermometer.