... is that you're too busy doing things to write about the things you've been doing! "Blogger's guilt" must be a true existing condition right?
The house is coming along:
- Revamped the guest bathroom - new subfloor and tile, new vanity top and sink, new faucet on the vanity.
- Finally (after 5.5 yrs) put up real window treatments in the living room.
- New roof on the back porch
- New siding
- New windows (this was done with a 0% CT Energy energy loan)
- And to round out that little project - blown in triploymer foam insulation in the parts of the house that we hadn't put fiberglass in. This was not without it's difficulties - they tell you it will go into stud bays with existing fiberglass but when the sheathing came off to do the siding we could see that the tripolymer install had failed miserably. It's still in the bays but we got a refund from teh installer. When we strip the 1/4" plywood and replace with sheetrock we will deal with the tripolymer nastiness. Probably rip it out and replace with fiberglass.
- New A/C unit (we received a nice $1500 state energy rebate on this)
- Lights on the back porch and the removal of the ghastly 10'x10' platform that the previous owners had up. I took it apart and made it into two drop-in doors to cover the stair and still had lumber left over to build a compost holding bin and raised veg beds.
- Raised beds and productive veg growing in the back garden
- Hummingbird garden is flourishing and such fun to watch our two h-birds return!
- Stripped the wallpaper out of the 1/2 bath, painted but that's as far as that got.
So the big projects still to go:
- Master bath remodel (this might get done this year)
- Half bath makeover (constantly being stalled over due to the vent/duct that comes out half on the wall and half on the floor.) So the 1/2 bath project will be preceded by a little duct work project.
- Sheetrock the DR, office and back stairway.
- Repaint the LR (5 yrs on from buying it needs a refresh)
- Get rid of the clutter!!
Oh and my reason for posting today - "doing" the garden. Since taking the Brooklyn Botanic Gdn design class I've been doodling when time permitted but mostly garnering ideas and filing them away. Last week I stumbled on a person who I felt would be good to help me mold the garden to what I want and after that I had a break through on the main patio design so with that obstacle out of the way I called them up to have a chat about how we might work together.
She doesn't live down here but she has all the wildlife garden, design, natives knowledge and experience that I'm looking for. We chatted and decided that I would send up a package of drawings and photos and she would see if it was a project she could help with and we'd do it remotely.
We'll see. I'd like to have a nice garden to enjoy by the time I turn 50 (2014) and I had asked Bob for garden design/plant list help for this year's b'day prezzie.