So, it has been a while again but not for lack of being busy. Cabinets and appliances are ordered. Heating ducts are done. Plumbing is done until cabs are in. Electrical is 80% done and only stopeed because couldn't get a frigging carpenter to return my call so Bob and I are blocking up and moving the windows. We almost killed each other yesterday - not literally but he wanted to go out to dinner and the project wrecked it.
So today he left for LLWS and I got on with stuff - removed the "thermostat" column as we call it and installed the joist hanger. Bit of a precaution as the beam is built into the chimney column but for $5 for the hanger and a box of nails I consider it a bargain. Of course it wasn;t straight forward. I took off the remaining top plate of the wall we removed and it was hiding a double joist. So there was a double joist up to one side of the beam at 90 degrees a joist and then a single beam on the other. So I blocked out the single side and installed the hanger. When the inspector comes I'll have him look at it again.
With the column removed I could remove the stud at the wall junction so that I can block it and line up the outside corner for drywall plus I learnt a dandy way to get the toenailed nails out so that then you just lean the stud over and it pulls off the nails at the top plate. So now the kitchen looks even more vast (it got considerably vaster Friday p.m. when I took up the linoleum and plywood subfloor (revealing the original subfloor - nice long boards - on the diagonal - good quality stuff).
Then I turned my attention to the window to be blocked up - it was quite easy - three studs cut and inserted into the opening lined up with the joists above. Then I checked if the 2 pieces of OSB left by the roofers from last Fall were big enough and together they fit the space perfectly with out cutting - very wierd. Like they had just been sitting ont he porch waiting for that moment. Then ran to Lowes for some black tar paper - that is up and at least that window is good. I will check with Mac at work - do a quick framing consult with him on the other more involved window project and then the electrician can come back. Once that is finished the inspectors can come and do their thing and I can repair and lay the floor.
Cabs and appliances should be here within 2 wks so need to hussle. I am enjoying working on the house but not fitting it around work. It;s slow right now at work so potential to leave early exists which gives me longer evenings but nothing beats a asolid two0day weekend working on that stuff.
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