... it's almost 3 years since Bob and I bought the house. I have worked on the front garden. I was amazed that after the 51 yrs that the previous owners were here there was no color in the garden, sort of a classic IMHO American landscaping with green shrubs. So over the past 2-3 yrs I've planted snowdrops, crocus, daffs, moved hostas and an azalea, cut back soem shrubs, ripped out the over grown yew and replaced with perennials, reseeded and patched the lawn) in the front and it still needs lots of work.
The great part about a 58-year old yard is that there are lots of big well-established trees and shrubs (10-12 80ft white oaks, one each of flowering cherry, dogwood and crabapple, a hedge of forsythia and 10 ft high rhodies, a pieris japonica, a duextia (sp?), a couple of azaleas, euonymus and mountain laurel).
However, the back has all this greta structure 80ft up but is a fairly blank square with no borders. It was grassless when we moved in and I have worked on reseeding grass, adding lime and leaf mold, getting the 90ft white oaks cut back to let in some light and that's been about it in the back.
So this year is the year to form a Master Plan for back garden so that whatever I do over the next 10 years all contributes to an overall plan rather than be piece meal.
Can I do it seeing as my only gardening experience is growing up with parents and an aunt who have amazing gardens. Well, that is what this blog is all about.