So to distract myself while I wait for the class to start I was looking through craigslist and saw an ad for old bricks in a nearby town. Long story short, I am lugging possibly 1800 used bricks from a house in Wilton up to the house. There is no UHaul big enough to take them all so I am using the Honda Element. I can carry ~ 150 bricks at a time. It;s not the most efficient way per se but it breaks up the work and therefore means that it is manageable for me.
I can't remember how many I have lugged up so far - all the trips blur into one. It might be almost a thousand bricks. 4,000lbs. At first my left arm felt like it would fall off but it has stopped aching and is over the initial shock. My lovely neat brikc piles fell over as the snow underneath them thawed.
These will be great for edging projects and I think I will temporarily pave the area where Bob had the barbeque. It is edged with 4x4s but has just dirt inside. So I will do a down-and-dirty temporary job once we get to March/April. Tamp the soil and lay brick on soil so that the barbee doesn't have to stand on dirt. It will also be a good experiment to see how brick looks back there.
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