So with about 40 yarrow seedlings showing and one teensie lavender popping its head up, it was time to plant lupines. I was going to do it yesterday and decided to split my pack of seeds between indoor seed and outdoor direct plant and also to split the indoor seed into a soaked group and a scarified group. That way I hoped for future years to get the best way to grow these.
My trays are pretty small and as I was reading a little about lupine on the packet, it said "sow directly into cell packks, nothing smaller than a 32 tray" it continued "transplant when ready, do not delay, established plants do not transplant well." I'm not sure what a 32 tray is but combining the comment about transplant I was pretty sure that my tray was to small. Also some of hte seeds were already soaking so I had 24 hrs to get some larger pots.
So I made up a bunch of 2-1/2" newspaper boxes. I had seen these very briefly when flicking through a mag in Borders books. It was about frugal gardening or similar. I managed to replicate the boxes perfectly. I really like these as I can plant the little boogers straight into the ground.
To make the boxes I used 4 sheets of newspaper. The mag said to cut 7-1/2" squares, which just happens to be one third the height of a newsheet. You fold the square into thirds, rotate 90 deg and fold itno thirds again. Then you flip it over and fold on the two diagonals (corner to corner). Then flip it back over and the diagonal creases make the corners pleat in beautifully boxed. Quite amazing!
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