As I looked at the asiatic lilies, that I bought thinking they were day lilies back when I knew less, towering in the front! of my border, I knew that this weekend could be only for one thing: moving day.
And so it went. I dug up and moved the asiatic lilies whilst in full bloom. Most likely not recommended at this time of the year but they were (beautiful) but annoying the hell out of me. I was careful not to snap the stems and they moved very easily into the back garden.
The front border immediately looked better for it's loss but today I planted the Speedwell (Sunny Blue Border) and the white Salvia (Snowhill) that I scored at Hollandia - 10 perennials for $30 plus 20 off this w/e. The BBG class has really helped restrain my impulse plant buying but I'm afraid we could not resist a Lace Bluecap Hydrangea. I was actually looking for a few hydrangeas for some winter structure in the borders.
I also moved some smaller asiatic lilies to in front of the a/c unit.
I moved some sedum and artemesia to make a space for the hydrangea - at the end of the driveway border. Fingers crossed that the deer do not snack on it, at least until I get some cuttings from it.
I planted out the remaining lupine seedlings so that I will have a mass of them in the front border - they and the lupine really got clobbered by the month of wet that we just had.
This weekend has been two days of gorgeous sunshine - 70s-80s temps - and the garden has to be loving it after all of June's rains.
Once some of the coneflowers in the front (echinacea purpurea? etc) have died off I need to move them 3-4ft further back in the front bed. They are towering 3-4ft high now. Moving them back will make way for some continuation of something else I have out there (most likely salvia or coreopsis).
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