Monday, September 07, 2009

Can't get to the real project ...

The "Work Bench"

So one of the projects for this weekend was to blitz the side yard. Disheveled and untidy, I wanted to move some plants, clean it up and install a compost bin for kitchen waste. First of all it got delayed as with the great weather I decided to take advantage and paint the garage door.
Then as ever I realized that to move the berry bushes out of the side yard (too shady) I needed to make room where I intended to plant them which meant I had to trim two huge bushes. So trimmed those bushes yesterday evening (still not sure what they are - an Ilex of some type I presume, maybe needing a male/female as have green berries and I've never seen them develop).
Then to be able to move the compost heap from the sideyard I needed to sort out my compost area. I use homemade compost stackers - I made them out of some barn board that the previous owners had installed in the wall of one bedroom(!). However, I wanted to keep the stackers for making compost (and accommodate the sideyard compost heap) and needed an area to store my finished compost.
So seeing as last week I dismantled the totally dysfunctional 10' x 9' platform that the previous owners had installed on the rear screened in porch, I had more 2"x6"s than anyone would ever need. Not treated but perfect to make a compost corral. So this morning I put the miter saw out on the bench we made from part of the 90ft oak and made up a nice compost corral. I only paid for 6 joist holders (< $4) and that way I can take it apart and move it if needed.
Then this evening I bagged up the cuttings from trimming the bushes and I think now, next weekend, I am ready to tackle the side yard!

I also found a few extra pieces of barn board and made up one more compost stacker to augment the "stack".

The New Compost Corral (foreground) with compost stackers from scrap wood in background

Where the wood for the compost stackers came from (!) (Piece of paper behind these boards said installed 1971.)

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