The Cote Mobile
Last night was siding night at the Cote residence. Dave and I removed the 5 x 19'+ boards from the wall inside his basement. Didn't take long but I was surprised that they were single boards - I kind of expected a join somewhere along the way. I guess long cedar boards were more abundant 30-35 years ago.
Anyhoo, these were 10" boards so we ripped them down to match our 8" boards using Cote's circular with the fence installed - very nice - our circular saw does not have a fence that I know of - jealousy!
Then the challenge was getting them home. I hadn't anticipated the boards being so long so Cote lent me his truck and we strapped them to the rack and the rear and used the sag of the boards to strap them down to the front of the hood. A quick drive home and an unload and I was back driving down to Cote's.
Shortest board is 19' 4". I'm not sure but the length of the wall I'm covering is that same length give or take an inch - hopefully it's an inch in my favor rather than the other way around. 97.5 lin ft of clapboard would cost $279 at Ring's End. Thanks Cotes!
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