Random pic of nephew Rob styling it up.
Something about the Ring's End "gouge" ticked me off. I also realised that I could cut Cote's 10.5" siding down to the 8" size I needed with my circular saw if needed. So I sent Cote a text message late last night saying I wanted to come look at it again and I called in this morning with a scrap piece of my siding in hand.
I wanted to check that the lower edge of the siding would be the same thickness once cut down. He is happy to get rid of it - it's a bit of an anomaly in his basement - it is extremely random that the previous owner's of his house chucked up some nice cedar siding on an inside wall in the basement. I just have to go over and remove it.
He has 5 rows with a 19ft run so that's almost 100 linear ft. I had ordered 146 lin. ft from Ring's End. I called up and cancelled the ($400 siding) order and the guy said "oh, so you must've got it somewhere cheaper". "Yep" I said and he waited for me to explain where but I never did. (Ha!) I'll probably have to go and buy a little from them to make up the difference but I'll see how far I get with Cote's siding and the stuff I saved of the old siding.
Also decided that I'll have Luis put the finish on the wood floor (good thought Bob). It will cost me at least $400 in materials/rental (and perhaps a bit more in massages and knee ice packs!!) and his quote is $600. I also found the quote for the original refinishing of the other floors in the house so I can tell him exactly what the finish is so he can match it.
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