There has been an interesting development on the wood floor. I had called Luis, the floor guy, to say that there were a couple areas that needed some attention. One was were the guy had spilled urethane on the floor - it happened to be right in the middle of the DR. Then there was a dull spot right in the DR doorway, so very visible and then there was a general dullness in one area in the kitchen.
The guy was coming today so last night I went over the floor really well to be sure I hadn't missed anything.
What emerged was that there was a general band of dullness across the kitchen which happened to coincide with the general area where the old and new floor met. This got us thinking that even though I told them that the old floor was finished with semi-gloss, to which they said "No, it looks like satin", they had maybe finished the floor with a non-matching finish.
So Luis came in this morning, Bob was at the house and I was at work. Well, to cut a long story short Luis did not want to fix this large area in the kitchen. He argued many ways that it was "the difference in the old boards that I told you would happen and you should have had us buffer and finish the whole area".
Bob and I argued that we were really happy in general with his work and finish, that we thought that you actually couldn't tell where the new and old boards met and that it was an issue with the finish not the board color. To illustrate this I said that the dullness ran down the middle of an old board proving that it was not an old/new board thing. He said he would recoat for $150. To which I replied that I wasn't paying him anything more but I expected him to finish his work to an acceptable level.
He continued to argue that he wasn't going to do anything other than the DR fixes and that the floor was like that naturally. So then I told Bob to tell him that it was proven that you could have dull spots on the new wood as there was the dull spot in the DR doorway all on new wood. After this he started to change his tune and then agreed to put one more coat down on the kitchen and marked off the floor for his guy to come back tomorrow and fix.
Of course Bob was working from home today to be there for this guy so now I have to slide my work day tomorrow to be there at 8 a.m. or whenever he arrives. Hopefully this will all work out OK and our floor will be 100% good instead of 97% good. Too bad it wasn't in an area that would be under the cabinets or I would just have let it go but it's right where you walk into the kitchen.
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