Monday, October 15, 2007

Year 2 - Day 263

A small celebration is in order: I started unpacking the kitchen stuff and putting it in the new cupboards! Quite exciting and I vowed not to stuff it all back in but to only put what we use. Then with a couple of planks on top of the base cabinets until the countertop arrives we prepared dinner at an ergonomic counter height. I couldn't believe how different it was from stooping over a cutting board balanced on top of a 30" high bar stool! It was bliss!

Called the countertop guy. He is based in Kingston, NY and tries to come and measure only when he is making deliveries to Danbury. But we want him in ASAP to measure and get this thing going. I told him we're both at home tomorrow and then after that it's off until at least next week. I do not want this last step of the puzzle to become the never-ending saga.

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