Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Garden blitz

Was away this w/e but took Monday off to drive back from The Shore so squeezed in a much-needed, 3-hour blitz on the garden. Very satisfying: mowed back (mid-setting) and front lawn (highest setting). Trimmed edges. Weeded. Swept. Picked beans and tomatoes ready for harvest. Checked zuccinis (one ready but left on bush) and corn (needs aday or two more). Offered encouragement to eggplant (first real flower - very exciting!). Replaced bricks in patio that we removed to paint/re-do porch screen. Re-installed rain barrel that we moved to do porch screening.
Then I pored over Johnny's Seeds catalog, BBG's Fragrant Design book and sketched out a new design for the front garden in front of the FR window.
Then yesterday and today i ached like crazy!

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