Friday, March 20, 2009

Landscaping Class #2

Last night was class #2 of Brooklyn Botanical Garden's class "All About the Space" (part 1).
Six of us turned up (2 suburban gdns, 2 rooftops, 2 brownstones overlooking gardens). There was a little theory but the mian part of the evening was taken up with each of us individually showing our site photos and plan, drawing/discussing activity areas to produce a first concept sketch and discuss options. Homework, amongst other things, is to come up with 2 concept skteches for next week.
It was a very interesting process and great to see what other people have - some alread have quite a bit of hardscaping in place, one gal had a beautiful double stairway out of a sunken patio below a large deck with a nautical-ish railing. Another gal had a 600 sq ft roof area that they had already built lovely slatted integrated raised planters. The floor material on her deck was sheet metal - it was like something out of a magazine! in the area sthat they had done but she still have other areas to define and work on.
Don't know about anyone else but I am ready to get beyond concept sketches and get drawing!
There was also one bush at the garden in blossom - I forget the name - very early blossoming - white. Need to find the name.

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