Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Little lavender

I just watered my inch-or so high lavender seedlings and I could smell lavender! I know this should not surprise me but it did - these tiny seedlings already smelling like a huge lavender bush. Eggplant seedlings need transplanting but i am out of newspaper to make boxes. Yarrow also needs transplanting - that is a gangly plant - all over the place. I remember when I bought some plants last summer they were staked. Lupines are doing great - soakers lag behind the scarified seedlings but they are all up - I have 27 lupine seedlings!. The annuals come up straight away - zinnia and mexican sunflower are looking good.

Bee balm, of all things, did not do well. Nothing has happened since a couple tiny green specs - this plant grows like a weed in the garden! Salvia also not good germination - some. Globe amaranth about half. lavender reasonable.

Outide, the forsythia is in bloom, the cherry, apple and dogwood are budding nicely and the second part of the BBG class starts on Thursday. "Garden Tutorial B: The Right Plant in the Right Place"

The master garden plan (5th go-over) is just about done and shaping up nicely.

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