Sunday, April 05, 2009


So ... did a project and managed to take some pics and get them up here same day! Bob is ordering a new computer and seeing as the office is pretty much untouched since the day we bought it, I thought I would put some effort in there this w/e to make it a nicer place for him and his computer to be. I painted and added new hardware to the desk. I removed the off-center shelves, blocked the studs so I could remount the shelves centred and painted the stair risers and trim gloss white. Not bad for 3 days slog. I also added a nifty shelf under the desk high in the footwell so that the modems and routers can go under there and all the cabled will be invisible!
Fortunately I had all the paint I needed. I used an exterior paint on the desk - semi-gloss - because it was the color I wanted. We painted the porch and the front door with this paint last year. Hardware was $35 from HD. I had 2x4s in the garage. The bitch on that one was removing the 1/4" plywood fake panelling when it was installed before the desk. I have a secret technique for that. Stairs were painted with primer and gloss white. Photos above of the office the day we viewed the house!

Happy now Steve?

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